Music That Motivates Us

Family's Are Forever

Family's Are Forever
Family Picture 11/10/2008

Hartzog Look-alike Meter

Iraq White Rotation 2008

White Rotation 08

Paliwoda 2008

Poliwoda Guys

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life and Everything That It Is

Well, the holidays are upon us, and I am spending my 3rd set of holiday's without my family back in Georgia. It makes it hard being so far from them. Especially around the holidays, but I am learning to make Utah home. Little by little it is becoming more and more of a place that I love. We are looking at buying a house, I have a wonderful group of friends here, and more importantly this is where my boys are. Paul has been back from Iraq for about a month and a half, and it has been wonderful. But we are back to our normal schedule of him coming and going all the time even when he is in the states. Kenneth has officially turned 1, he's walking, trying to articulate words of all kinds, and he's getting so independent! Our Luna is almost 2 now, and she is starting to calm down a little, finally! She's a good dog. So I guess that I really have a ton of what I need here! As long as I'm with my boys I'm good!

I am about to start the first job that I've had in 2 years! I'll be working at the daycare in the gym that I go to a couple of days a week! And the best part of it is that I wil still be able to be a full-time Mommy! Kenneth can go with me and it's free for him to be there. I'm really excited about it, it's a little extra money, half off my daycare on the days that I go and work out, and half off my gym membership! I whould be starting as soon as my background check come back from the UBI.

On December 12th Paul and I leave for a cruise to the Carribean for a week and a half with his Dad and Sister. Kenneth will be staying here. I'm going to miss him, but it sure will be nice to be a wife for a week instead of a wife and a mom. i've never been on a cruise, but I'm excited to go! Julian got us balcony suites!

So over all life is going well! I will miss the friends who are moving, but will be making new ones, so all balances out!

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