Music That Motivates Us

Family's Are Forever

Family's Are Forever
Family Picture 11/10/2008

Hartzog Look-alike Meter

Iraq White Rotation 2008

White Rotation 08

Paliwoda 2008

Poliwoda Guys

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Playgroup workout!

I had every intention at about 10 AM this morning to go to the gym that I pay for. I was so excited I was going to have 2 hours of daycare so i wouldn't have to run after a little one! Those moments are really the highlight of my day lately. When you are a "single" mom and you are a stay at home mom on top of that, you long for just one minute away from your child. I think he does too though! But anyway, I get there and I circle the parking lot several times hoping that I'm going to find a parking spot without having to park at the High School with no success. Then on to the High School Parking lot, also no success. So with a gloomy disposition I took Kenneth with me to the Mother's Gym on base. I don't usually like taking him there because the last time that I did a kid jumped on his head. But it is nice to have a spot where we can go FOR FREE and try to work off the baby flab. For about the first 30 minutes Kenneth did great, then he got hungry so I shoved a bottle in his mouth. After that he was not happy with being "behind bars" while Mommy was on the outside jogging on the treadmill. So I slowed to a walk and held him for the next 30 minutes while I walked on the treadmill. I almost think that I got a better workout that way.

At 11:15 one of the girls from my Ward came in, and my first thought was, "She so can't work out here! Her baby is a month younger than mine, and I have worked my butt off to no avail, and here she is waltzing in here with skinny jeans only weighing 60 pounds soaking wet! I don't think so!" Then she told me that she was there for a play group that meets every Wednesday. So tired of holding Kenneth I joined them and actually had a rather enjoyable time. Kenneth only biffed it once, they gave me good advice on the whole cut finger issue, and I got to know a couple of other "new" mom's.
So recap, workout = partially successful, playgroup = very successful. Here's hoping that I can make it to my daycare gym tonight!

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