Music That Motivates Us

Family's Are Forever

Family's Are Forever
Family Picture 11/10/2008

Hartzog Look-alike Meter

Iraq White Rotation 2008

White Rotation 08

Paliwoda 2008

Poliwoda Guys

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Strawberry Apple Puffs You Are My Hero!

There are days where i am just absolutely ready to pull my hair out with this new found joy of crawling! Kenneth is in to everything!!!! Literally everything. Two days ago he thought that it would be fun to stick his fingers into the carbon monoxide detector and cut his finger after it got stuck! I couldn't get to him fast enough to keep him from pulling his finger out. My first thought was, "Oh crap! He's going to need stitches!" Yeah, I over reacted, but this is the first time that he's ever really gotten hurt. And then my second thought was, "There is blood on my carpet! I'm going to have to pay to replace it! Housing is going to love this!" Then my next thought was, "Chill out apply pressure and get it to stop bleeding!" So after getting my wits about me, partially because I called Shaena and she told me to calm down, I found some gauze from the handy dandy first aid kit and held his finger, which was a task in itself because he was not very happy about having restricted movement, until finally the bleeding had subsided. Once it stopped I realized that he was fine, that he had just pulled back a couple layers of skin... don't get me wrong it looks awful, but no stitches were needed. After a few failed attempts of keeping a band aid over it, I resorted to just cleaning it several times a day. After the initial pain that he felt he was fine... back to crawling, pulling up on everything. It just cracks me up that he is so excited about this new world that he has discovered. But at the same time it makes me feel even more that I need a break. And as terrible as it sounds I can't wait to get to Georgia to have free babysitting!

This morning as I woke up... way too early in my opinion because I was up way to late trying to catch up on laundry, which I'm still not done with. (How in the world am I ever going to get it all done when we add Paul's on top of it in 2 1/2 months when I can't keep up with it now!?!)... Anyway, I woke up to my child standing in his bed whining, "Maaaaaaammmaaa!" (That is the only time that he says my name, only when he's mad or wants out of bed. He jabbers Dada all the time happily, but my name is only associated with whining.) So I got up and determined that I was getting at least 10 more minutes of sleep, put him down on the floor in his completely childproofed room and let him play for a little bit. I LOVE THE BABY GATE!!!!! But alas I only got about 5 more minutes before I got tired of the whining and brought him downstairs for the morning. It was after 8 anyway, I was lucky to get to sleep till 8. So downstairs I put him on the floor in the living room, surrounded by tons of his toys that clutter my living room now (there is no mistaking that we are parents when you walk in my house), and went to feed the dog. I hear the pitter patter of little knees and hands speedily coming towards the laundry room (Luna's Bedroom) and then crash! He turned the dogs bowel full of food over, and proceeded to think that it was his! I caught his hand just in time to keep him from partaking of the dog food. But the poor dog had wait while I put all of her food back in her bowel. I really feel bad for Luna, she's having to wait until I can distract Kenneth long enough to keep him from getting into her water bowel to get her water. But she won't drink it if I put it outside. So nap time and the occasional moment that he will sit in his exersaucer or jumperoo is the only time that she gets her water. (She is such a good dog, she puts up with everything, and still loves us!) So after getting into several other things I finally put him in his walker and put some cereal puffs on his tray... it has occupied him this whole time, and for once I was able to blog about stupid little frustrations. With no husband at home to vent these to it sometimes gets too overwhelming. I love being a Mom, but I just wish that I didn't have to go through 6 month stints of being a "single" mom! Thank you Strawberry Apple Puffs! You are my hero!

1 comment:

Ali said...

I didnt know you had a blog! Kenneth is getting so big! I remember how little he was when he was tiny! I hope things are going ok for you, as ok as they can be. Hope you are holding up alright!