Music That Motivates Us

Family's Are Forever

Family's Are Forever
Family Picture 11/10/2008

Hartzog Look-alike Meter

Iraq White Rotation 2008

White Rotation 08

Paliwoda 2008

Poliwoda Guys

Thursday, September 11, 2008

PICTURE EXPLINATION: These are pictures that Kristy and I had done of us and the boys on Monday. They turned out so cute!
I am finally back in Utah after a wonderful month back in my home state of Georgia! I have never been so happy to see my son's bed in my whole life! He slept all night, he was happy to do it, and as soon as I put him to bed he just laid down and went to sleep! Tonight didn't even take a bottle! And today he only had one bottle! Could it be that I will soon break him of the bottle? He wouldn't take it at all today, he ate like such a big boy! This morning he had Activia Yogurt and Cheerios for breakfast (I am trying a more natural approach to dealing with the stomach issues that he has, we'll see if it works, at least he loves the taste of it!), then for lunch he ate Chicken and Carrots Ravioli's with a cup of whole milk and a couple more Cherrios, and then for dinner tonight he had a jar of carrots mixed with oatmeal and the rest of his Chicken and Carrot Ravioli's with water and a bite of Mommy's taco! You might think that this is a stupid thing to write about but there are a couple of things that I have realized lately. I'm going to call it, "You know you are a parent when..."

1. You don't remember what a warm meal tastes like for trying to feed a baby that you can't shove food in to fast enough.

2. You get a full night's sleep and wake up the next morning more tired than if you had had to get up 3 or 4 times.

3. You catch yourself talking about bowel functions at the dinner table and it doesn't ruin your meal.

Ah how I love being a Mom! Oh and I think that I have found the perfect PT "job" for me!!! Needles don't bother me at all. AND did you know that people still pay you for blood platlets? $55 bucks if you go twice a week here in Utah.. That's 22.50 an hour. So I will be contibuting to my family's financial stability by giving platlets. If nothing else that will allow us to go out to dinner as a family or save for Christmas. I'm excited about it. And the best part is that while I do it, I won't have Kenneth so I'll donate while watching a movie or taking a nap! What could be better?

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