Music That Motivates Us

Family's Are Forever

Family's Are Forever
Family Picture 11/10/2008

Hartzog Look-alike Meter

Iraq White Rotation 2008

White Rotation 08

Paliwoda 2008

Poliwoda Guys

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One Cheeseburger, caffiene free coke!

(The picture is me just getting back from the gym, so the oiliness of my face is acceptable, just showing how exhausted I am! That and look! You can see my collar bone again! I'm making progress, finally!)

Yesterday I was constantly busy, I kept 3 of the 4 of my friend Wendy's kids while she took her oldest to the dentist, then I had some errands to run, a WIC appointment (thank goodness for WIC it saves me so much money! $150 a month just on formula!), then I insisted that since I couldn't go to the gym yesterday morning, that I would not be missing Nicole's Cardio N Abs class at the gym. Nicole is beyond a gym Nazi of a teacher. But that is probably why I hate missing her class. She pushes you, and you always leave exhausted! We ran a mile, luckily not all at the same time, but total we ran a mile. At the gym that I go to it takes 9 laps to make a mile. She would have us run 3 laps at a time, then go back to the room and do 5 minutes of jump rope... you know I remember when jumping rope was fun, and easy... but that was when I was 5 and I weighed 50 pounds or so. At 24, and way more weight than I'm willing to mention, it is not easy nor is it fun. BUT you burn so many calories jump roping that I aught to buy one for the house. Then she had us run the stairs at the gym 3 times, do a ton of weird abdominal things, and we did a whole lap of nothing but side squats. Anyway, so I left the gym and went home. Along the way to my house is a plethora of fast food restaurants, and really good curbside-to-go type restaurants. All the way driving down this particular road with the windows down none the less, I could smell each of my favorite restaurants, I could taste the "guiltless" chicken sandwich from Chili's, the Hawaiian Chicken Rice bowel from Rumbi Grill, but more than anything else I could smell the burgers at Burger King. Suddenly it was like I was pregnant and in the craving stage again. I wanted a Whopper (something I wouldn't normally ever want) and a HUGE cup of Coke! I resisted the urge and went home only to find that nothing in my house looked even remotely tasty.

My friend Shaena called and asked how I was doing, and the first thing that I blurted out was, "I want a Whopper and a Coke, I'm going to die if I don't get it, but I"m just going to have to die because it is completely out of the question for me to have it!" She started laughing, and said, "I made hamburgers for dinner do you want one?" I thanked her for the offer but told her that I didn't want her to make the quarter mile trip up the street to my house to give me food that their family could use. I told her I would probably be opening a can of soup because I needed to watch my calorie intake. So I get off the phone with her and then 10 minutes later while I'm out in the garage to get hamburger meat out to make Hamburger (Fattening) Helper, I see Shaena pull up in my driveway, and in her hand was a Turkey Burger, and Jalapeno Doritos with a Caffeine Free Coke! If she were my husband I would have kissed her, so since she's not I instead gave her a hug, and let me tell you, that was the best hamburger that I have ever had. It was healthy, it was from one of my bestest friends, and it fixed my craving! Shanea is my hero.

So on the whole subject of eating right, why is it that the expensive stuff that is the microwavable health food is the only ones that are good? Why can't they make cheap good tasting microwaveable stuff? I can't tell you the last time I turned on my stove. With Paul gone it's just easier to eat out or nuke something. But, I just got back from the gym about 20 minutes ago, and I bought this chicken penne pasta stuff, for about 1.75, and it's only 210 calories for the whole bag of it, but it is disgusting! Seriously! I hate it! The dog sniffed it and walked away, it's that bad! I've never had it before, but will definitely not be partaking again! It taste like Chef Boyarde Beef Ravioli, but it's a broccoli chicken! That alone is enough to make me not want to eat ever again! I think I'm going to throw it away and just have a granola bar for lunch. Hopefully my dinner will turn out better!


Ali said...

So I have decided that leaving the gym must do something to your hormones that is similar to pregnancy cause I am the same way when I am done working out! Everything that I smell I want and especially McD's which I hate! And your right about healthy microwave stuff that taste good, its expensive!!!!

The Ashment Family said...

I can't believe you never told me that you started a blog! I am so excited! I had to find out from my blog tracker that you had created one. Wow! I am so impressed with your exercising. I haven't been too faithful in the post-baby workout department. Way to go!