Music That Motivates Us

Family's Are Forever

Family's Are Forever
Family Picture 11/10/2008

Hartzog Look-alike Meter

Iraq White Rotation 2008

White Rotation 08

Paliwoda 2008

Poliwoda Guys

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sewing Machine Blues! & Scholar Husband!

(This picture was too cute not to share! This morning he was so happy because he got Cherry Puffs for breakfast, and every time that I looked at him he was grinning from ear to ear, so I had to have a Kodiak moment with it!)

Yesterday I went to use my sewing machine and all it did was beep at me, and I still have no idea what is wrong with it. And Singer's Customer Service isn't open again until Monday morning. But I need to make another baby blanket before Wednesday, and while I think that if I can get it working that that won't be any problem at all, I just worry that one of my squadron families will have to wait until I can do it at home and send it to Col. Kossler through the mail. I wanted to give it to her myself! It's really quite sad I think! I've tried all of the stuff that it mentions in the troubleshooting section online and in the manual. I just don't understand! I've only had it 2 months! I hope I didn't ruin it!

On a lighter side, Paul started college this past week! I'm so proud of him! He is going to American Military University mainly because IT'S FREE!!! And because it's a military college he is able to use government computers to do his work where ever he is. The will ship books anywhere in the world to where he is. Anyway, he is writing his first paper, and I have to say though he thinks he sucks as a writer, I have read his work and it is really good! If he completes even and associates degree he will be the only one of his Dad's children to complete college. His sister on his Mom's side has a law degree, so she is ahead, but that's okay, she's considerably older than Paul! He's so smart!

In update on my Ouchness, I am feeling much better, I have turned my workout regiment to legs, and arms instead of abs for a few days and my pulled ab muscle seems to be thanking me with a lot less pain than I had the other day! Yea! And last night when I went to a birthday party for a friend's kids I was complimented on how much weight I've lost. I don't know how much I've lost, I'm afraid to step on a scale, afraid that it won't be as much as I would like! But at least I know that some of the awful flab is disappearing!

1 comment:

Ali said...

He is just to stinking cute!